Thursday, October 11, 2012


We just had a highly delightful visit with my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Reg who were visiting the island in order to celebrate a milestone birthday with a friend.  They, travelling with Brenda's lifelong BFF, Betty and her husband Warren, decided to do a bit of sightseeing up the island and dropped by here on Thanksgiving Day.   It was my chance to have a feast, the likes of which I haven't had an opportunity to create in just about a year.   It was also a chance to make sure our house sparkled.  I cooked, Bruce cleaned.

And .. with the exception of an overly runny lemon meringue pie, it was a resounding success, I'm pleased to say.

Reg and Brenda are still the same lovely people that I've known all my life.  I loved their interaction with Betty and Warren and the banter around the table and Warren told a story about a little log house in the Okanagan that still has me chuckling.  You can tell that Betty and Brenda have been friends forever.

All in all, a lovely day.  Thank you for the visit!