Friday, December 24, 2010

Cards and cookies and bows, oh my!

So Bruce wandered off to the mailbox up the street the other day because I'd mentioned that the only cards we'd received had been from our paper girl, the vet clinic and some other business we frequent.  I'd missed the letters and cheery little hellos from family and friends.  And Bruce didn't exactly wander off.  It's been pouring rain for a while here .. the kind that a folded newspaper held atop your head as you dash across the street just won't keep you dry.  The kind that you need rubber boots and an umbrella to go to the car in the driveway .. that kind of rain.  So Bruce hasn't exactly been wandering in the rain much.  As a matter of fact, he drove to that mailbox 100 yards up our street.  Kelly, you'd have been so proud of him .. turns out that Bruce is still an Albertan at heart.  Although in his defense, I'm pretty sure he didn't leave the diesel running for an hour so he could do that .. not that we have a diesel.  Or a truck.  But then, we have to make allowances for BC, right?

The most wonderful thing is he brought back a table full of cards and hellos!  Sandy and John, I loved your letter; Reg and Brenda, yours was very touching.  Trina Beena, perhaps the cheeriest message of all was in your wee card.  Sandy and Mel .. I always look forward to your creation and to feeling like we're standing shoulder to shoulder mumbling the words to Auld Lang Syne.  We look forward to your 3:00 am drunken singing call once again.  Liz and Ian ... we're touched that our tiny raspberry patch lead to your acres and acres of horticultural experimentation and your quest for an ongoing degree, Liz.  We both miss having over the fence chats.  Paula, I got your e-card and the year in pictures was a wonderful idea.  I had no idea you'd been in Peru.  Jim and Ste. Dorothy sent a card again and made us grin (Jim used to be a colleague of Bruce's and his ever so patient wife was nicknamed  Saint Dorothy).  New this year was a card from Kevin and Jenna, Bruce's nephew and  his girlfriend, and was a wonderful surprise.  And DeeWynn and Sam .. if you can believe this .. asked for more wedding ideas.  *grin* Say no more, my niece!  Auntie is here for you.  I'll bring taffeta.  Yards of it.  Peach colored. Or ... ooo I remember seeing some nice lime colored stuff.  I'll go rummaging.

My weblog has been kinda dull lately because ... life has been wet and dull here.  Not only that, but World of Warcraft released their new expansion, Cataclysm, on December 7th and I've been managing the needs of a suddenly very busy guild.  My guild forums have been very active, requiring constant attention.  Our active player base has tripled with a lot of older members resurfacing and their friends joining.  I interview each one and organize guild activities, making sure that everyone has what they need to have a good gaming experience.  With so many new people and older ones trying to remember what their spells do and how Blizzard has changed the game since they left .. well, I've been busy.  Just not productive in a normal fashion.

Now I'm off to move the laundry over and get about the mundane things that require attention.  Before I go though, I leave you with a few pictures from around the house and a shot of the mug that was the inspiration for this month's weblog theme.  Also, I hope your Christmas is spent with loved ones and wonderful things that come from the oven.   I'll be watching "A Christmas Carol" with Bruce this Christmas eve .. it's a tradition here.  And before you ask, it's the one with Alastair Sims .. cause no one does crazy like him.

So from the Neumans of Namaimo ... wherever you are ... Merry Christmas!

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