Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A short tour

Although it can be a pain in the butt for rushed travelers, the ferry ride has generally been a good experience for both Bruce and myself.   Even that time the high winds had everyone checking the location of the lifeboats and PFDs.

Yesterday's trip was smooth sailing with no untoward incidents, and because we had such a great place on the upper car deck, I was able to get some great pictures.  (Or at least ones that I can edit to make them appear great.  *wink*)

On the way into Horseshoe Bay on the mainland, I grabbed a few pics of the scenery.  I have a lot of the boats and such, but they might seem a bit boring.

This absolutely charming house sat on the edge of a hillock island.
Ferry heading off for one of the smaller islands
My brothers may find this amusing.  You remember playing "Hawk on a Fence Post" when we were driving around and each time you spotted one, you got to hit the player of your choice as long as you were the first to spot it.   This was the rural version of the Punchbuggy game and involvement is implicit by your mere presence in the vehicle.  I laughed when I saw this and wondered if the coastal kids play "Gull on a Piling."

The drive always takes us through across the Lion's Gate bridge, which I love, with its masses of cables and sense of drama.  I was inspired to apply a few filters to my picture ...

Gotta love the tinted windshield.

I started playing to get rid of the tinting and came up
with my favorite of the three versions.

Loved that sky!
 Okay, back on track now.  Upon exiting the Lion's Gate bridge, you pass through Stanley Park which is a really expansive park area on prime real estate, beautifully landscaped in some areas and left to nature in others.

At the other end of Stanley Park is the view of downtown Vancouver.  Isn't this just the epitome of a crystal city you might find extolled in science fiction books?  Look at all that glass!

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