Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where have you been all month?

Like a toy boat caught in the eddies of a stream and carried away, February seems to have meandered out to ocean without a blog post.  I've been right here all along, slogging through the month and staying out of trouble. This winter seems to have caught me at a creative low and rather than force things, I thought I'd see if my muse would come tripping along in a gossamer gown with her fairydust wand.

Sadly, not so.  I've pretty much been up to the same thing that folks elsewhere have been doing ... catching up on episodes of Castle (I should start a Nathan Fillion fanclub chapter here) .. and becoming an NCIS fan where the interplay and personal cultural clashes of Mark Harmon, Pauly Perette, and David McCallum make for interesting watching.  Ilya Kuryakin has apparently not managed to get too far out of the spy business.  If you don't know what I mean by that, Google up "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." or follow this elegant and finely crafted link.

I've also been dieting, with more success in January than February, I'm afraid.  Not for lack of trying though, and after a couple of days dealing with frustration by saying "screw it," I'm back on plan.

Good news, potentially.  Spoke with Margie and she may be visiting in March, right around the time that Bruce and his crew are in a regatta here in town.  Could be fun!

The doo-daddies on the this month's masthead were created by me.  I used to make these all the time for my desktop, so I decided to do up one for this month's theme .. which started out as shamrocks .. and somehow along the way morphed into a tulip.  We've got a few early spring flowers poking out of the ground, looking all inviting for the local deer, so we'll see how many make it past the bud stage.  Anyway, here's a larger version in case you'd like to make a desktop of it as well.

Edit:  A small note to those who may collect the fonts I use.  Normally, you can find a link at the bottom of the page for all the fonts I`ve used in designing each month. This month, however, I am stymied .. the one called `Birthday`(appearing in the header as the word òf`  and in column headers inside the page footer) comes from a font group to which I belong .. and I cannot find a copy online.  This leads me to believe that the font has been renamed at some point (not by me), so I`ll have to repair that (I have the tools!)  However, if you wish a copy of it, you need only send me a note.

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