Sunday, May 19, 2013

A little bit dirty

Today I did what you'd do when you're a good daughter of a man who's invested decades bringing forth cereal grains from rich, loamy Alberta soils  ... I worked on my farmer tan.  T-shirt, floppy hat, gloves and full length pants.

Unlike my father's marathon seeding sessions, not all of this actually made it into the soil today.  About two thirds of it found its way into dirt; I'm happy with the progress.  I didn't kill myself (or Bruce) doing it and I still had enough creativity left to come inside to make a barbeque sauce/marinade for the ribs we're tossing on the grill for supper tonight.

Did you notice the red flowers in the top picture turned pink in the second?  Magic and wizardry, I hear you saying.  Nay, it's because I had a tray of pink out back that I decided to trade for the reds.  My pots from last year ended up being tucked into different spots in the garden .. these two adorn the bench near the front door.

I thought I'd repaint or touch them up, but I decided that another year to accumulate 'character' would be in order.  Tucking them into that dreary grey rock wall should bring color to even the rainiest of days.  Alternately, they could provide an attractive salad dispenser for the deer who live in the woods across the street.

This fuschia by the front door is an annual I planted last year that gasped a breath or two and didn't bloom. I thought it was pretty much a goner.  I moved the pot when the plant itself was just a wee nubbin, thinking I'd replace it this spring.  Turns out that it had other designs.

Is there anything happier than sunshine and daisies?  How about honey hued daisies?  I'm so looking forward to watching these pots fill out over the summer. Hope you are too because I'm sure you'll be seeing them again.   :)

I need no elaborate excuse to sneak in another picture of my lemon yellow door ... so here you go.  I'm humming A Daisy a Day right now ... and it fits nicely with paying homage to my father.

Hope your spring planting goes as nicely as mine is coming along.  Enjoy!

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