Tuesday, April 15, 2014

RIP Joffrey

"What to do with a Problem Child?"  George R.R. Martin has a few ideas, but this solution was typically inelegantly elegant.

Oh Joffrey, we hated you so. You were such a despicable character with oh so very few redeeming qualities. Sure, you cut a dashing figure in your court clothes and you did look good with your crown, but I'm afraid that beyond that, you really weren't worth the cost of that cloth-of-gold.

Thinking about Joffrey brings to mind that quote from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"  ... "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."   In this case, Joffrey was written that way.  Mr. Martin may have given Jack Gleeson a framework, but the actor was the one who stole the show in his willingness to abandon all social niceties; to let us fully, completely hate Joffrey Baratheon.  He really riveted attention when he was on screen.

I would imagine that the end of this role would be a heady experience for a young actor who will undoubtedly have offers rolling into his agent's office.  Professionally, he is on top of the world right now.

I also wondered if he would always elicit boos when he appeared in a film.   I watched him some time ago in a gentle tale about a young Irish lad and could only wait for Joffreyish behaviour and when a bit of boyish meanness appeared, felt vindicated in my immediate dislike of the character.  Like John deLancie and my hair-trigger call out of "Q!" when I see him on screen, I wondered how a young actor would go about not carrying the baggage of his biggest role to date.  He is probably the most hated man on television right now. Maybe he could pull the Miley Cyrus trick and just go skanky? Unrealistic, but Hanna Montana publicly and repeatedly twerking has erased any sugary sweetheart image and her new persona would have been a far-fetch, had we not witnessed it.

Jack Gleeson has his own ideas, however.  In another well-timed shocking turn that could have been written by George Martin, Jack has announced he'll retire from acting.  Here's what he said to Entertainment Weekly:

Now you’re giving us another twist in this story by retiring at the age of 21. Why?
Gleeson: The answer isn’t interesting or long-winded. I’ve been acting since age 8. I just stopped enjoying it as much as I used to. And now there’s the prospect of doing it for a living, whereas up until now it was always something I did for recreation with my friends, or in the summer for some fun. I enjoyed it. When you make a living from something, it changes your relationship with it. It’s not like I hate it, it’s just not what I want to do.

He is certainly not doing what we'd expect of the self-centered persona we know through the Song of Ice and Fire saga. That rather intrigues me and I think its a shame that we'll not get to see how he goes from Joffrey to other roles.  Maybe, however, it's best in the long run.  

Whatever you do, Mr. Gleeson, I hope you throw yourself at it the way you did Joffrey Baratheon. With gusto and abandon.  Well done sir.  /ovation

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