Monday, September 6, 2010

The Beauty of Family

The wonderful thing about families is that most of them .. well, the ones who don't live a block down the street ... have lives of their own that go on without your own daily input.  For the larger part, this is probably for the better because embarrassing moments are up to you to disclose, rather than your closest relatives who rarely show pity - or remorse for that matter.  I'm pretty sure Larry still wishes Jamie hadn't heard about the smoking stacks incident.  For a particularly lurid retelling of the escapade, just ply George with a beer. 

However, those same people have rich, complete lives full of interesting things and people.  Any phone call to my mother came with a complete update on family and then people I didn't know, but who filled her life with every day purpose and pleasure.  I want to know about those things and people in your life and I'll be sharing mine with you.

For the events and things in your life you'd like to share with the rest of us .. please drop me a note.  I've added Kristen Hughe's two weblogs to the left column.  For those on my side of the family who are scratching their heads and wondering who Kristen is .. here's the relationship breakdown:

Kristen ---> wife to Brad ---> son to Sharon ---> sister to Bruce

I can think of other links I'd like to add ... Scott's or Hugh's music ... a bit of Sharon's art ... Sandy's photography.   And that's just off the top.  Please share!


  1. Thanks!
    (and can we have more cat photos on your blog, please?)

  2. LOL .. I have to catch Mr. Tippy first. It's like he's amped on energy drinks most of the time.

  3. And you must tell me how you got your avatar to appear there. Mine is showing a blogger logo, not my ava.

  4. Oops .. nevermind. Amazing the power of Update.
