Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mo: 25 Dandelions: 0

From where I sit on my balcony enjoying a glass of wine, I can pretty much see the entire neighborhood and occasionally overhear telephone conversations that are probably better kept a bit more private.  Bruce and I do enjoy a good neighbor gawking once in a while, when the show is worth it (such as the house being built) ... but other than that, we'd rather give our neighbors some privacy.  Particularly the hot tub that is discreetly screened with climbing roses, wisteria and jasmine.  So the cedar hedge was planted .. we're currently in the "nourishing" phase, hoping to get to the "need to prune" stage - but not too soon, cause that's only going to bring back some unfavorite childhood memories for someone in this family.  Not naming names, of course.

This is the hedge that Bruce built.  Twice.  It's a long story that involves swearing at landscapers. More than twice.

Today's adventures in lawn mowing included one of those "I can't handle it anymore" moments that ended with a dandelion tool (an extra long screwdriver) and almost an hour's worth of digging and tugging, then turned into a full scale brawl with blackberries and other weeds under the cedars. 

I have to  note here that the condition of the lawn is amazing, considering how brown it was earlier in the year .. due to hot weather and a couple of the neighbor's dogs who wandered through the fence and did what dogs do.

A close-up of part of the cedars .. you can see the deer fencing in behind the hedge if you look closely.  If you look closer yet, you still won't find a dandelion.  At least not today.  :D

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