Saturday, June 7, 2014

Beauty in the back yard

At first glance, you might think this a small crow, but its actually a Brewer's Blackbird giving our backyard the once over from his lofty position atop a spruce. Alas, this shot doesn't show the iridescence on his body.

Now, I'm not one to get all gaga about sunsets, but sometimes, the sky just begs for a camera. This was taken from our balcony where I think I was out directing Bruce on how to properly barbeque.  Since he's only done it for as long as I can remember, he probably needed my help, right?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Family update

When I last spoke with Ian via text .. 'cause we're all cool that way ... he showed me his new fridge.  It was so shiny, I just had to share it.  Congratulations can be sent in the form of frosty beverages.

He and I have always had a four-leaf clover as a lucky symbol .. as kids we'd go out and spend hours hunting the clover fields looking for them. At least, I remember doing that. He says this was a cover-up of a pre-existing tat.  Gotta say, Ian, your arm is looking like it needs a wee bit more gym time to make it as sexy as that tattoo.  Just kidding!

Speaking of brothers, Kent's youngest, Elina, turned three a few days ago and he sent us a picture.  He and family are moving to Oslo for a year with plans to move back to Singapore for another two, possibly three years.  For the next couple of weeks, Ilana and the kids will be in Vancouver, so I imagine I'll soon have pictures of my own to post.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

4:00 am

Sound asleep.  Then ....

Bruce:  (shouting)  It doesn't get more extreme than this!
Mo:      (blinks open one eye)  It doesn't?
Bruce:   No, it doesn't.
Mo:      What is  it?
Bruce:  (singsong voice) ... I'm not telling.
            (silence for about five seconds)
            (laughing) ... but it involves goats!

Half an hour later, I'm still trying to get back to sleep ...

Bruce:  Aromatherapy.  I believed in it .. until I smelled  a rat.


Honest to god, I have no idea where this comes from.  I'm just reporting it.