Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello, my name is Maureen and I'm a procrastinator.  It's been a week since my last post.  I'd like to tell you that my week has been chock full of interesting stuff, that I've jetted off to do this fabulous thing, to meet up with fascinating people, or even managed to make it out of the house for groceries.

Sadly, the week has been filled with none of those things.  I did, however, manage to completely rework my gaming user interface .. most of you would find that an eye-glazing topic.   But for a rainy week in November, it was perfect.  I caught up on some movies with Bruce and made some meals that were less than memorable - not that they were bad, just run of the mill and nothing stellar.

I guess the highlight of the week was purchasing a new casserole dish and then having the inevitable husband/wife discussion about where in the cupboards it should be located so that I can also reach it.  Did I tell you I dislike my cupboards?  No? Consider it done.  I intensely dislike them.  Anything on the second shelf has to be right at the front or I can't reach it.  What good are cupboards if you only reach one shelf?  Exxxxactly!  I think cupboards are mostly built by tall young men who really don't have a clue about setting them up properly. There's the lazy susan in the corner by the stove that threatens to light your hair on fire if you need something from it while you're cooking, which incidentally, is the new home for the casserole dish.  There's also the deep, narrow pantry design that really leaves one shelf useable for me .. and one for Bruce.  In all my years, I've never seen such a poorly designed cupboard system .. and yet, I see these same damn cupboards all over.  The good news is that I love the kitchen island. 

And rather than continuing on that sad sort of line, I'll share a beautiful weather picture with you.  Not everything that has to do with rain is ugly.   When Bruce went off to paddle on Sunday morning, I came downstairs with a cup of tea intending to watch a little TV ... I glanced outside and was really quite inspired by the Japanese maple I can see from the big comfy chair that I get to use only when Bruce is not home. Okay, that was bad of me.  He'll most happily let me use it .. but we all know that the chair really belongs to Bruce and Murray.

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