Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Could it be ... ?

There have been some signs of Spring around the Neuman homestead.  First, the endless rain has occasionally stopped for a day or sometimes two at a time.  Gasp!  I know, I know .. I feel that way every time it happens .. like I need to get outside and have a picnic or something crazy.  A few days ago, I saw a fat robin sitting atop one of our pergolas. 

And this morning, I went outside to take a picture of the rain and was met with an overwhelming fragrance from the wee flowers outside my door.  No idea what they are and I don't care ... they are like lily of the valley in that they are small with a fragrance as big as the outdoors.  They make ringing my doorbell a real pleasure as you wait for me to answer it. 

I turned around to see if anything else was looking springlike and sure enough .. the Pieris is about to go nuts.  We have a hedge of these in the front .. makes for a rather intense display.

We took a trip to Vancouver yesterday ... Bruce was seeing someone for his ongoing (and hopefully resolved) back issues ... and saw further evidence of Spring .. and how oddly flowerlike vegetables can be.

 For those of you whose lot in life is not caught up like mine, I thought I'd give you a picture that is something Islanders see often enough that it's commonplace.  For me, however, I still get a prairie girl thrill waiting for the ferry.

And finally, another street sign.  I know I usually post these separate, but this is the street that the ferry terminal sits and it falls within the Nanaimo's unusual street names meme that I've got going on.  This is Zorkin Road.  Apparently, Mr. Zorkin was a developer here in the city.  How his name came to be emblazoned upon this particular road, I've no idea.

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