Tuesday, November 1, 2011


One of my friends acquired a watch last week that was encrusted in rhinestone hearts and was going a bit over the top about it.  She had been wanting this item for a while and recently came into a bit of cash, so she made the purchase.

Now, hearts are not a shape that I associate with myself.  I don't wear anything with a heart on it and unless I was looking for a Halloween costume, I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to shop for something that had cutesy hearts.  That's my problem with them .. cutesy.  It's like seeing an achorwoman wearing a fluffy sweater for official portraits .. simply contradicts the message of 'serious journalism' that they are trying to portray.  Lest you think that a bit sexist, I'd very likely make the same comment of an achorman in a fuzzy sweater.  And then add a couple of more comments just for good measure.  At any rate, it just doesn't fit my personality.  The hearts, not the extra commentary, because that's totally me.

My friend's enthusiasm for hearts got me wondering that if I were to be gifted with such an item, would I wear it?  So I did a bit of internet searching and came up with sixteen versions of a heart pendant I would wear and not feel too weird about doing so.

Would you look at that?  Three of these are pink!  I have to admit that these are striking pieces.  All in silver of course, since I don't wear gold.

And now, a word to my husband who will eventually wander to our site and then wonder if I'm trying to give him a birthday hint.   Nope, this was simply an exercise in 'what if.'  I'm not looking at adding to my jewellery collection just now.

My theme for November is an homage to my Aunt Sandy who gives me lots of little feedback and encouragement on my posts via email.  I don't think she's even seen the site since she is pretty much taking baby steps when it comes to computer jargon and abilities.  I automatically send my posts to both my aunts on my mother's side, trusting that they will pass along to my uncles anything they find interesting.  And since their emails contain the pictures I post,  they have all they need anyway.

When I was a youngster, I had the good fortune of being a part of my aunt and uncle's wedding party.  I still remember those white mary janes that were part of the outfit and the smell of shoe polish the day before the wedding.  I'm sure they weren't my first pair of new shoes, but they are the first I remember.  It was a BIG DEAL for my mom, I recall, and therefore, it became special for me.  My mother was  practically beside herself fussing over me and my aunt and anyone else who stood too close that weekend.

My mother was probably happiest when she had a reason to fuss, and she was deliriously happy for my aunt.  She was close to her sister, so when the newlyweds starting house decoration, mom was only too happy to keep tabs on colors.  It's a funny sort of thing to be remembered for, but my mother was one of those who file away people's favorite colors in the back of her head, at the ready in the event that a craft might be needed to fill up a space.

At any rate, my aunt painted her new bathroom a color that, at my tender age, I'd never heard before .. mauve.  My mother was over the moon about the color and I recall at one point in her life, one of her bathrooms also became a shade of purple.  I'm pretty sure my aunt received one of those bar soaps with sequins set into netting around it to make it look like a purple fish.  My mom did those kinds of things.  I think she kept a stash of pipe cleaners for every occasion.

But I've totally digressed, which I guess is my privilege as owner of this blog.

I'm trying to teach myself a bit about working with vector shapes, so I wrestled some of them down in somewhat of a grade school fashion and they are part of the bling of my November efforts.  Hope you enjoy and .. please ... if you find yourself experiencing something akin to a sugar rush when looking at my site, remember that sometimes, girls get to just be girls - complete with hearts and bling.

The less frilly sort of site will be back next month.  Maybe.  It will be December, after all.

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