Thursday, October 27, 2011


Oh man, the smell in the air this morning was incredible.  Layer woodsmoke and windfall apples, add in a touch of leaf mulch, the tang of the ocean just a couple of blocks away and top it off with the crispness of a Fall morning.  My nose was all a-tingle as I took in Harpooner Place today.

Across the street, an older gentleman pottered around in his garage ... he obviously cared a great deal about his yard.  He made sure to give me the eyeball, as I was an intruder in his area, so I felt like I had to surreptitiously get this photo.  I loved the hedge and I laughed, thinking about Bruce and how he hated the hedges of his teens.  Betcha, if a realtor had lined up this house to show us a few years ago, he wouldn't even have got out of the car.

Oh man, imagine the work necessary to keep this trimmed properly
Not a half hour later, I chanced upon another well-manicured hedge that caught my eye. 

Admit it.  You also thought "Hobbits!!"
Across from all that summer greenery was evidence of Autum.

Days like this make me wish I had a dog to go walk with .. or a pony to ride.  Or maybe a Shetland pony to take for a walk.


  1. See, you also have harpoon on your mind :-). Also, you seam to have found the solution to your conundrum; since you do not have a dog--or a pony--you can take the husband for a walk.

  2. Yea, I'll just bet he'd want to see all those hedges and admire them from the non-clipper side.
