Friday, October 14, 2011

Hey Kristen

It's impossible to wax enthusiastically enough about that dense, moist, chocolate cake that Bruce brought home last night.  He told me it was your chocolatized recipe for carrot cake!

And since words are pretty much failing me, I'll just say this ....

Must. Have. Recipe.


1 comment:

  1. sure, I will send you the actual recipe, but you can give any baked good a chocolate flavour, not just carrot cake. Substitute 2 tbsp cocoa powder for an equal amount of flour, doing so for every cup of flour in the recipe.
    For example, a typical cake recipe calls for 2 cups of flour; use 1 3/4 cups of flour plus 1/4 cup of cocoa powder instead.
    The cookbook I got this hint from said you might need to increase the sugar and fat but I've never needed to do that.
    Also, I recommend you go to the supermarket bulk section and buy their very, very dark cocoa powder.
