Monday, October 24, 2011

A Sharp Kind of Day

You ever have one of those days when you can't find a sharp set of scissors anywhere? 

I have a love/hate relationship with scissors that stems, quite likely, from my love/hate relationship with my sewing machine, fabrics and my complete lack of ability to get fabrics to do what I want.  Which has nothing at all do with scissors, but when you're looking around for a scapegoat, a pair of dull scissors will do handily. 

All of my 'good' scissors somehow end up in the kitchen utility drawer until one day I pitch a hissy fit over not being able to find anything sharp enough to cut the end off one of those drink packets you put into a water bottle.  Now, if you're a good enough homemaker, you likely have an a pair stashed away in the sewing kit that you can access in an emergency such as this.  Which is how they end up in the utility drawer and ... cycle repeats.  Or your husband spots them on the counter before you get them put away and the next time you see your expensive fabric scissors, they're being used to cut those garden ties with the thin metal strip in the middle. 

All you women out there are nodding your head right now, saying "I feel your pain, sistah."

So today, I gathered up all my scissors with their brightly colored plastic handles .. blacks and aquas and oranges .. and put them into a bag to take to the knife store.  I was just hoping to get to the counter without looking like some scary homicidal whack job escapee from a bad B movie.  I think I managed, but it was touch and go for a minute or two when I looked down and discovered the ends of one pair poking through the bag.  I wrestled them down .. crisis averted.

So I wandered into the knife store and ... o.0 .. shiny.  

This is how things in my house get replaced .. you get frustrated with something, you put up with it for years and then one day you go nuts and come home with this ...

Five pairs of sharpened scissors, four brightly colored cutting mats, one knife tip replaced because someone broke it off five years ago trying to pry off a jar lid, two new paring knives, a utilty knife, a shiny fork to replace the one in the drawer with the rust marks and one big blue one because the colored knives were buy one, get one free.

Whew!  Can you feel the waves of contentment rolling from the West Coast?

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