Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pink leaves

I had all the ingredients laid out for apple pie ... I really meant to make that darned pie, but somehow a rush of creativity  overtook me and I painted the still life instead.  The result of that can still be seen on my dining room wall.

The scene below of my Japanese maple is somewhat like that.  I prefer to play with the picture in my graphics program rather than rake leaves.  I may even paint it.

By the way .. where are all the neighbour's kids when you need stuff like this done?


  1. Hmm.. isn't it your birthday today? and you are making your own pie, glad to read that you were distracted by painting.
    Love the picture.. love the red.
    Happy Birthday Mo

    From a fellow Scorpio

  2. It's the 19th. And no cake this year. Poor Bruce took sick with a flu and had to spend the day being nurtured. Good thing it only lasted a day .. I'm not a good nurturer.
